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Zoo Cautionary Icon System

The Problem

My new signage system replaces the inconsistencies of the current system by:

• relying on imagery instead of text, especially with kids or foreign visitors in mind

• improving legibility in small or far away places

• visually differentiating from other signage

do not tap on glass

don't touch the giraffes
sun faded railroad crossing sign
do not climb on rocks

Hand Sketching

In the first sketches, focus was put on the connotation behind implied actions of the icons. I didn't want to make climbing on rocks look fun, but also didn't want to depict someone getting hurt because of the action. Finding the appropriate graphic style for a serious matter that has to appeal to everyone was a challenge as well.

first sketches
Do the icons prohibit an action? Or warn against danger? Should they have a personal touch, or be from the animals' point of view?
testing imagery perception
exploring imagery style


Iterating through the best way to depict the prohibition symbol, graphic style, as well as complexity at a small scale was easier in digital form.

digital iteration styles

Once the style was solidified, user-testing variations of the icons helped determine if they were communicating the correct action.

evolution of stroller icon

Final Icons

no feeding animals

no feeding animals

no climbing

no climbing

watch for trains

watch for trains

no sitting on fence

no sitting on fence

no strollers

no strollers

watch for vehicles

watch for vehicles

electrical danger

electrical danger

no flash photography

no flash photography

no touching the animals

no touching the animals

train ticket sales

Rebus: train ticket sales

train stop

Rebus: train stop


Utilitarian: elevator

Possible Zoo Applications

with do not touch giraffes icon
no strollers sign on building
railroad icon on sign

train stop sign on building
no flash photography sign on exhibit